Friday, November 30, 2007


I've been sick for the last week with Strep Throat. And since my school doesn't like people coming with Strep Throat I haven't gone.

-Strep Throat sucks


pkabow said...

I've had that before. My whole throat and neck hurt and inside my throat it felt like I had shreds of skin hanging loose. It is very contagious and can cause rheumatic fever and heart damage, so that is why your school doesn't want you back until you are CURED! I hope you feel better soon. Love, Grandma B

Michelle Lee said...

So sorry to hear that you have been sick. I had mono once and had to stay home for a long time. They call mono the kissing disease but I got it from sharing soda that my friends drank out of. Hope you feel better soon. Love, Aunt Shelly

Jamie said...

Hey Girl,
I have it toooo and you are right it does suck:( I know how you feel. I hope you get better real soon!
